Lawyer Abdu Jtili said the divorce petition was filed by the unnamed girl's divorced mother in August after the marriage contract was signed by her father and the groom. 律师阿布度.杰悌里说,离婚申请是女孩的母亲于8月份在女孩父亲与新郎签订了结婚协议后提出的,女孩母亲未透露姓名,已与丈夫离婚。
It could louse up your divorce petition. 它可能会把你的离婚申请搞砸。
Including: The subject range of petition for divorce damages should not limit to couples, it should enlarge subject range of petition for divorce damages obligation of compensation. 具体包括:请求离婚损害赔偿主体的范围不应限于夫妻,应适当扩大离婚损害赔偿的义务主体范围。